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‘The Sweet One’ …
If you’d like to place an order … we can deliver it locally, or if you’re further afield we can post one to you!
We are asking for a minimum donation to Music for the Memory, of £5, (excluding postage & packaging).
Please send an email confirming payment and how you would like to receive your cookbook(s) to
Payments can be made directly to the charity via direct bank transfer
Sort Code 600207
Account Code 59621478
if you would like your cookbook posted to you please include £1.50 for UK P&P.
Thank you!

Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.
To make a monetary contribution or volunteer your time please contact us at or contact one of the trustees
Louise Master 07864 342349
Jane Midwinter 07545 309200
Anne Smith 07771 994389

South Downs Challenge
The Music for the Memory trustees, Louise, Jackie, Jane and Anne are stepping into 2021 by walking the 100 miles of The South Downs Way independently, in 20 days, finishing on the 31st January and clocking up an average of 5 miles each per day!
If you'd like to sponsor us and make a donation to Music for the Memory via PayPal please click on the box, or to donate directly here are our bank details
Sort Code 600207
Account Code 59621478
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