What we offer

Music for the Memory offers a FUN FREE service that uses singing to bring together local people from all walks of life with any form of dementia or memory issues together with their carers, in a friendly and fun activity.
Where we meet
We usually meet on alternate Mondays either at Battle or Wannock, and at Cross in Hand on alternate Fridays.
Where we are currently singing
Due to the current pandemic, all our singing sessions are now online!
We sing together through Zoom every Monday at 10:30, so that our members can continue to enjoy singing together from the comfort of their homes.
On alternate Mondays we host an open meeting which includes a mini music quiz along with the singing.
Our members
Anyone with dementia or memory issues is welcome to join our singing group with their carers. If you'd like to try out a session, you are very welcome and join us.
Visit our Contact Us page if you would like to have a chat with Jackie or Louise, or email us for more information.
Our services during the pandemic

We have adapted our services during the pandemic, to reach out to a wider audience as we are very aware that the impact of lockdown can leave many people feeling isolated.
We have therefore opened our sessions up once a fortnight, to anyone who may be alone, lonely, or just in need of a jolly good sing.
We know how music and singing lifts the spirits and are pleased to welcome new faces!